Non - slip platforms are very widely used in many fields of the industry. For instance they can serve as the parts of the machines or some construction elements. One of the most important features of such products are the drilled holes. They improve the anti - slippage features of such components. Moreover, thanks to this solution, they can be easily applied to many constructions and conditions. Another crucial feature is the quality of material. Metal, from which such component has been made, should have the sufficient strength and wear resistance properties enabling it to be used even in severe industrial conditions. The company Perfopol is the well known producer of non - slip platforms. We always take care about the customer satisfaction.
Ochrona firm przed utratą wrażliwych danych
Jesteśmy specjalistyczną firmą, której działania skoncentrowane są na ochronie dóbr intelektualnych. Zatrudniamy najlepszych agentów oraz specjalistów od urządzeń śledzących i nagrywających. Oferujemy wykrywanie podsłuchów, audyty pomieszczeń oraz sprawdzanie całych budynków pod kątem zabezpieczeń ...